Antennen sind eine der wichtigsten Subsystem-Domänen von HPS, die das Unternehmen vollständig mit dem Portfolio von Side‐Deployable-Antennas, Top Deck- und Feeder Link- Antennas über Dual Gridded-, GNSS- und Large Deployable Antennas bis hin zu Radar- und selbst Bodenantennen abdeckt.
In besonderem Fokus liegt bei Kommunikationsantennen die HPS-Spezialisierung auf Ka- und Q/V-Band. Spezielle Merkmale der Antennen-Subsysteme von HPS sind ihr geringes Gewicht, hohe Reflektivität, thermo-elastische Stabilität und hervorragend hohe Eigenfrequenz.
HPS liefert diese Antennen-Subsysteme komplett und zügig aus einer Hand – Vorteile, die in Kombination mit den erwiesenen qualitativen Merkmalen zur Beauftragung und „Flight Heritage“ des Unternehmens für die Mission „Heinrich Hertz“ des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), sowie für die ESA Mission EUCLID geführt haben.

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Top Deck Antennas

Downlink Beispiel:
- Tx: 18.8 – 20.2 GHz
- Rx: 28.5 – 30.0 GHz;
- Tested up to 49.8 GHz
- Up to 19 beams for multibeam user link scenario
- Main reflector diameter: 70 cm
- Subreflector: 25 cm
- Mass: 7 kg (inkl. Feed Cluster)
- 1st Eigenfrequency: >110 Hz
Feeder Link Beispiel:
- Tx: 37.5 – 40.5 GHz
- Rx: 47.2 – 50.2 GHz
- European coverage
- 8 gateways for nominal ops
- 2 for diversity sites
- Main reflector diameter: 120 cm
- Subreflector: 80 cm
- Mass: 23 kg (incl. feed and thermal H/W)
- 1st Eigenfrequency: >60 Hz
Side Deployable Antennas

1.0 m Class:
- Tx: 18.8 – 20.2 GHz
- Rx: 28.5 – 30.0 GHz
- 2 service areas
- Single offset configuration
- Pointing error: < 0.006°
- TED < 0.017 mm RMS
- Mass: 3.7 kg (reflector only)
- 1st Eigenfrequency: >140 Hz
1.6m Class (scalable up to 2.5m):
- Tx: 18.8 – 20.2 GHz
- Rx: 28.5 – 30.0 GHz
- 2 service areas
- Single offset configuration
- Pointing error: < 0.02°
- TED < 0.03 mm RMS
- Mass: 9.8 kg (reflector only)
- 1st Eigenfrequency: >130 Hz
Scientific Mission Antennas

EUCLID Mission
- High Gain Antenna for scientific mission
- Lagrange Point L2
- Tx: 25.5 – 27.0 GHz
- Diameter 70 cm
- In-orbit absolute point. error <0.005°
- Directivity loss due to TED <0.15 dB
- Main reflector accuracy <50 μm RMS
- Sub reflector accuracy <30 μm RMS
- First eigenfrequency: > 120 Hz
- 3 models (STM, EQM, PFM)
Dual Gridded Antennas

- Ku-/Ka-Band
- Linear polarisation
- CFRP-rod based patented concept
- Diameter: 1,2 m
- Mass: 4,3 kg
- 1st Eigenfrequency: >100 Hz
- Shaped and unshaped configurations
Large Deployable Antennas
Watch the Video: A European Declaration of Non-Dependence in Space

- C-Band, L-Band, S-Band
- Scalable up to Ka-Band
- LEO application for Earth Observation
- GEO application for Telecommunication
- Diameters between 5 m and 20 m
- Mass of reflector assembly:
25 kg (5 m) and 60 kg (12 m) - Close co-operation with subcontractor
LSS UG, Munich - Reflecting surface: gold plated metal mesh
Ka-SAR Radar Antenna System

- LEO-Orbit
- Interferometric SAR system
- 2x Rx-antennas on deployable booms
- 2x Tx-antennas
- 35–75 GHz
- 3 hybrid multi-matrix power amplifier network
- Dual linear polarization
GNSS Antennas

- Autonomous orbit determination of GEO satellites
- Use of GNSS multi-constellation (GPS/GALILEO)
- Dimensions: max. diameter: 25 cm; height: 50 cm
- Mass (incl. thermal H/W): 1.5 kg
- Electrical Interface: SMA connector
- Mechanical Interface: 4x M5 screws
Ground Portable Antennas (KEAN)

- Man pack antenna
- Mass: 10 kg (without electronics)
20kg (with electronics & backpack) - Packing Volume: 250 liter
- Activation incl. pointing: 15 min.
- Dismounting & packing: 5 min.
- Direct satellite link
- High data rates
- Frequency: up to Ku-Band.
- Civil and Military applications
- Rescue missions
- Communication during Breakdown
- Expeditions
- Journalism
- Rescue Missions
- Research.