Launcher and Re-entry Technology
HPS- Deutschland entwickelt, fertigt und integriert Hochleistungs-Elemente für Träger- und Wiedereintrittstechnologien. Darunter fallen Ablatoren für den Eintritt in irdische und andere planetare Atmosphären, Hochtemperatur-Isolationen für wiederverwendbare Raumfahrzeuge, die Entwicklung von Sensoren ebenso wie die Lieferung einbaufertiger Thermalschutzelemente für Träger. Besondere Merkmale dieses – im übrigen sehr kostengünstigen – Services: Leichtgewicht, Materialkonfiguration je nach Anforderungsprofil individuell maßgeschneidert, höchstmögliche Anpassung von Materialien und Prozessen an individuelle Kundenanforderungen.

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→ Success Trajectory
Ablators (Expandable)

- Ablator material development for different entry profiles
- Ablator dimensioning, design and analysis
- Collaboration with Airbus-F (as prime or as subcontractor)
- Planning, controlling and evaluation of chracterisation tests in Plasma test facilities at IRS or DLR in Germany
- Service at HPS-Portugal for ablator cutting, machining, integration, sensor implementation
High Temperature Insulation (Re-usable)

Medium Temperature Insulation Package (HPI-1000):
- Max. Shingle Temp.: 1.000°C for 1.200 sec
- Max. Cold Structure Temp.: 170°C
- Location: Windward surfaces
- Lifetime: 50 re-entries, 15 years
- Thickness: 40 mm
- Weight: < 4 kg/m2
High Temperature Insulation Package (HPI-1600):
- Max. Shingle Temp.: 1.600°C for 1.200 sec
- Max. Cold Structure Temp.: 170°C
- Location: Nose Cap/Leading Edges
- Lifetime: 50 re-entries, 15 years
- Thickness: 80 mm
- Weight: < 8 kg/m2
Thermal Protection

- Thermal protection design, procurement, machining, glueing and surface finishing
- Tailoring, sewing and integration of multi-layer thermal protections for aircraft and space applications (see also under Multi-Layer Insulation)
- Reference: Thermal protection of a camera housing on VEGA-launcher (performed by HPS-Portugal in contract to OHB-Munich)

- Assembly service: material plates cutting and machining, sensor implementation into ablator material (performed in HPS-Portugal in contract to Airbus-F)
- Development of lightweight flight sensors and measurement techniques for planetary entry probes and vehicles monitoring (lead by HPS Germany in contract to ESA in collaboration with HTG, IRS, DLR and Airbus-F)
- Integration services