Mechanical & Thermal Interface Elements
In Germany as well as in Romania HPS develops mechanical and thermal elements not only for the company`s own subsystems and integrals, but also custommade for clients, for example in the area of RF-interfaces or scientific instruments. Both sites profit from the knowhow in regard to design, analysis, materials and processes that they have won in the context of their own subsystem- and integrals-projects. Comprehensive tests for characterization and/or qualification reliably verify the function of these vital elements, which are in most cases so called „single points of failure“. On behalf of ESA HPS also realizes a range of technology developments projects in order to evaluate feasibility, to test the limits of performance – and to prepare critical technologies for missions.

For further information please contact our chief engineer.
→ Success Trajectory
Mechanical Elements

- Isostatic mounts
- Interface brackets
- Joints between Aluminum housings and CFRP satellite panels
- CFRP Struts with metal fittings up to complete trussworks
- Secondary and terciary structural parts for satellites
- Housings
- Metal and CFRP subassemblies
Thermal Elements
- Heat-flow blocking interface struts
- Thermal waschers
- Thermal straps
- Interfaces between service module and payload module
- Radiator elements
RF Elements

- RF components
- Elements for reduced RF reflectivity („RF-invisible“)
- Application at dual gridded antennas
- Application at center fed antennas
- Tested in various characterisation tests on sample level
- Tested on DGR-level together with Airbus-F and MDA